Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sierra Blanca

Today my granddad took me driving up the 12 mile road to the peak of Sierra Blanca, the tallest mountain in Lincoln County. It was raining most of the time, and when it stopped for a little while we hiked around. It was very lush at lower elevations, almost reminding me of the temparate rainforests of Alaska. Towards the higher elevations, The Ponderosa turned to Spruce and Fir, with large fields of flowers. I didn't see any birds but a Red-backed Junco feeding its fledgling and four Common Ravens. I also saw two House Wrens at the top, which were lifers :)


Tarheel_Birder said...

Hey its me Bobby! All of those would have been lifers for me! ;)
BTW what are the deminsions for your banner? I made one but it shows up HUGE!

Cole Wolf said...

Congrats on the RBJU, junco taxonomy is really confusing, but i beleive that it's been suggested RBJU is a separat sp. or a ssp. of YEJU. Have you tried any owling yet?

Anonymous said...

Oh those juncos are hopeless. Congrats on the lifer (they are quite the little songsters, despite their size!).